Why did you choose your career?

When I was a child I didn't had any dreams about a career or a life plan, I was a really carefree child and the only thing I ever thought was being a cashier, since I liked counting penies, or a vet, because I liked my dog. 
Then, in high school I was interested in biology and lenguage, which was a weird mix. At that time I was terrible in maths and chemistry, I didn't understood the teachers at the begginning so I decided to take the easy way studying the day before. 
The decision of choosing a career was difficult for me, I thought being a psychologist, an anthropologist or periodist but when I get to the moment I wasn't really sure, I didn't wanted to leave biology behind, I really liked that stuff. So, I entered to bachillerato. There I could learn about chemistry and losed the fear. When I think about it I realize that If I hadn't had the opportunity of going there I would never study pharmacy, I feel very regret about being so hesitant, specially because this career is quite long. I chose pharmacy as it includes chemistry, biology and health, withouth the syringes. Since I entered to the university I have learned plenty of science without realize it.
In the future I would like to work in a hospital, or maybe put pharmacy in a left village.


  1. Without the syringes haha. Great story!

  2. The important thing is that you made a decision and you are happy studying pharmacy. I wish you the best without syringes jajajajaja


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