A photograph

This photo was taken by me a years ago, It was spring and my family and I went to Elqui valley to spend the day. I think it was in Paihuano, there was a river where we refresh ourselves and after that when we where back to the car I saw this butterfly laying on a flower. The butterfly was black, with a broken wing, but still beautiful and stayed in the flower enough time, which allowed me to capture the picture.
I think this photo likes me because It doesn't show a perfect butterfly or a perfect nature, because the bug had the wing broken and was still flying and looking for some nectar.It also remembers me holidays and the Elqui Valley and now i'm pretty stressed.


  1. Very wonderful your photography, when i try catch with my camera any butherfly, she always flies far from me :C congratulations.

  2. it's a beautiful photo! i never can took a photo to a butherfly.

  3. Very nice picture! I hope, some day, to take a picture like that


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